Video Production Lewes

Lewes Videography & Video Marketing Services

Video Production Lewes East Sussex (BN7): The complete procedure of creating video content to use for home viewing, on the web or on TV, is all covered by the umbrella term of "Video Production", and it is an industry that has grown phenomenally over the last few years. This produced video content may be a product video, a television commercial, a short film, a music video, a business marketing video, a training video, or maybe even a full-length movie in some instances.

Lewes Video Production Quotes

Apart from the fact that the recording is done on SSDs, hard drives, optical discs or memory cards, as opposed to on film stock, it's much like traditional filmmaking.

Video Production Lewes East Sussex (BN7)

You can usually divide video production in Lewes into three distinct steps, namely; pre-production, production and post-production. Pre-production involves processes such as picking the crew, writing the script, casting, idea forming and storyboard creation, that are essential before any filming can take place. Production is when the filming of the video material takes place and all the required video content is captured. Post production is where all the elements come together to formulate a clear message or story through a series of cutting and editing processes.

These days, the most common use of this content in Lewes, is for online marketing of one sort or another. The number of websites and pages on the internet today must be an incredibly huge number. YouTube forever changed the landscape of video when it entered the scene. In the past few years the number of videos has skyrocketed and they continue to dominate the scene. However, don't make the mistake of believing online videos is some kind of new phenomenon. It is simply a case that marketing experts have realised the full potential of video promotion.

Videos have started to be used for more than just their entertainment value. It didn't take long before videos began to be used for marketing purposes. This could not be accomplished if people didn't enjoy videos as much as they do.

Video Promotion Lewes UK (01273)

Online video has grown so strong that the time spent watching it is comparable to the time spent watching TV. Most people are just plain lazy, and watching videos takes very little mental horsepower. People don't have a lot of patience, so they prefer to "watch and learn" rather than work their way through any other sort of content. Video production and marketing is great news for the internet marketer who is willing to take advantage of this huge, long-term traffic source.

The use of videos is now so powerful that some online marketers in Lewes use it exclusively to make large sums of money on a daily basis. A lot of marketers put their videos on YouTube or Vimeo, and then also insert them on their own sites for extra exposure. If executed by someone who is knowledgeable, videos can outshine many other marketing strategies. Some techniques are better than others with regards to spreading your marketing message.

There's quite a range of marketing procedures available for getting that done. However, not all of these techniques bring in targeted traffic, while others can get pretty expensive such as PPC advertising. Video is a versatile medium because you can build your brand while establishing good customer relationships. It gives you the opportunity to reach out to the right audience and engage them with your marketing message. Well made videos are renowned for their power in converting traffic at increased rates. Many online marketers are leveraging video marketing and are seeing remarkable results.

Video Production Quotes in Lewes East Sussex

When we talk about the free marketing methods, video marketing happens to be at the top. For instance, if you are trying to sell a "gardening eBook", rather than writing articles and submitting them to directories, you can create videos and publish them on YouTube or Vimeo. Making your own videos does not have to be complicated, because it isn't. If you would like your marketing message to be spread far and wide, then video marketing can certainly give you that kind of exposure.

Video marketing doesn't just give you access to millions of potential buyers, it also makes you look like an authority figure. For the more seasoned marketer in Lewes, you can tag video marketing onto your current promotional strategies and watch your website traffic soar. When you put in the effort to craft out a good video, you will see that it will be worthwhile in terms of high quality traffic. And certainly, videos can generate the amount of income that you hear so many people boasting about in forums.

Video Marketing Lewes (BN7)

So, the potential with video marketing in Lewes is unlimited if you know what you are doing. The concept isn't difficult, you'll produce a video about your product or offer that basically is a pre-sell. Following are just a smattering of the reasons you should concentrate some of your promotional efforts into video marketing in Lewes.

Ok, the primary benefit from using videos is they'll rank quite highly in the search engines. It's widely known that Google has a soft spot for videos. If you do your keyword research and get backlinks to your videos, getting on the first page of Google isn't that hard. People use Google's video search engine to track down particular videos as well. The popularity of videos is a plus for everybody because search engines like them, people like them, and that provides yet another avenue for marketing.

One major benefit with videos is you can tap into your market with less difficulty. These days, people can access videos from anywhere in the world. Other technologies such as Apple products are great for watching online videos. We all know that videos are here and that's not going to change anytime soon.

You can create more targeted traffic to your website with video production and marketing and expand your reach considerably. People in Lewes feel good enough about video, that if your message is presented well, they will listen to it. It really boils down to top quality content wrapped up in a package that people love.

Video Production Near Lewes East Sussex

People will only watch something if they're interested, so that means they will be interested in you if they watch your videos. Therefore, you're really never getting untargeted traffic. Also, you might find people within your niche taking your video and embedding them in their blog or site related to your niche. Something like that will really help your marketing efforts. Traffic that is not targeted really means nothing for you. Therefore by using video production and marketing you're not only aiming to bring in interested visitors but also have a high conversion rate.

Being Seen as an Expert

Video marketing, done right, can and will make you an expert on your chosen topic and drastically increase your traffic with little or no monetary expense. The majority of marketers in Lewes are still using SEO, articles or PPC so this gives you the opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in your niche before it becomes more competitive. Once people in your niche start to recognize you they will grow to trust you. Experts never have a problem appealing to the individual, because people in Lewes are always on the lookout for expert opinions and advice. With the type of trust that experts get, there is far less convincing to do on your part. I know that many people hate the word guru but if you pay attention, they use it in video marketing a lot.

Videos Should Educate

Video really appeals to the majority of people who often don't pay attention to reading lots of text. In these modern times, many folks in Lewes simply can't slow down and take the time to read a book, written course, or even a text-based sales letter; so, to change with the times you must start using videos along with your words. In order to get targeted traffic from videos, you should create videos that are informative and are useful to the viewer.


Product Branding Lewes (01273)

Businesses will tell you that at the moment it is difficult to develop a solid branding for your business. Oftentimes it takes a lot of creativity to make your business unique enough to be noticed and stand out from the crowd. You can effectively use videos to gain people's attention, and you have to work to keep it, though. Your video content must be interesting and relevant so as to keep people's attention. This generates a strong bond between you and your visitors, and they will visit your site again and again. It takes time and hard work, however with enough favourable exposure, you'll soon become recognisable and become branded.

Easier Indexing

Search engines index videos differently than pure text. What that means in terms of duplicate content is that you won't have the same concerns you normally would have. Many people take the same articles and submit them all over the internet, then Google filters almost all of them as duplicate content. Videos are handled differently, and that means you will generally get more value from them.

Blogging and Vlogging

As we all know blogging is a common tool to get traffic and spread the word. But by using videos, you can get into video blogging or vlogging. You can produce your own video blog and position it in your niche market. You can market it, and there'll be plenty of people who will be interested in this form of content. Of course it will be important to maintain it with regularly updated content, as I'm sure you'll appreciate. You can easily add a video every few days and let your visitors know via an RSS feed. Using a vlog would soon distinguish you from your competition, because very few marketers in Lewes are doing vlogs with any enthusiasm.

Quotes for Video Production Lewes East Sussex

Online videos are very inexpensive to make and learning the process isn't too complicated. You can simply use the software that is readily available on your computer to work on the editing of your videos. You see, making a video is simple, now go ahead and upload your video to whichever video portals you want to. Later on, you may wish to do a live video shoot, and will need a decent video camera for that. Always remember, quality is what's going to work.


Promotional Videos Lewes East Sussex

With videos you have more options pre-sell your product or service. Pre-selling is an extremely effective way of "warming up" a prospect before they click-thru to see your sales page and hopefully make a purchase. For stratospheric conversion rates, you will need to learn how to pre-sell with videos. It works so effectively because pre-selling builds a relationship between you and your viewer, informs and highlights the ways in which your product can help. If you take a hard selling approach, I guarantee that you will lose most of the sales that could have been successful by using a pre-sell process. A lot of the time it's not easy to gain the trust of online customers, but the use of videos is a means by which to overcome that challenge.

Gaining Trust

Everyone has heard about the number of scams that are on the internet, and a quick way to differentiate yourself is to make some videos that show a certain depth of knowledge in a subject. Trust is one of the basic elements that will make people buy from you. It takes a lot of work to gain the trust of people, but video promotions can help you do that. A lot is happening when someone watches your promotional videos, among other things they are weighing up if you can be trusted. Everything makes some sort of impression, and your videos will be judged on quality as well as content. The more informative and helpful it is, the easier it will be to develop trust.

Going Viral

Video can be easily spread around the net, and that aspect increases its ability to become viral. A video becomes viral when it's really interesting, or controversial, and then it's just a matter of people telling people to check it out. Having something go viral can make you into an overnight sensation - but it's very difficult to predict what will and will not become viral.

Viral Video Marketing Lewes (01273)

Video production and marketing can be a potent tool for your business in Lewes, because it's adaptable and you are able to try new ideas. It should never be a problem to produce brand new video content, and the results can be monitored without any difficulty. If you can learn to understand your marketplace well, your video promotions should become deadly effective.

You can improve the stickiness of your website through the use of videos. You can't depend on pages that are full of written text anymore, because visitors don't read through it like they used to do. The smart marketer will change with the times and start to make use of the power that videos have over visitors. And don't forget to add your own personality so it will be a unique experience.

Online and social video marketing is not used as much as other promotional techniques, however more entrepreneurs in Lewes are beginning to realise its potential. This medium has a lot to offer because it provides so many possibilities, so perhaps after reading this article you would like to explore it more.

Video Production Lewes - Some Things to Consider

The Video Title: One of the biggest determining factors for the success of your video is the title. Your video's title matters for SEO reasons, and it also needs to capture the attention of viewers. Video titles obey the same rules as any website copywriting title, so that may help you understand them better. First and foremost, make sure that people know what your video is about from its title. Very often people will decide to view your video based on the title, alone. That's why you need to spend a bit of time constructing your title.

Length: Try not to make your videos into epics, and in fact usually 2 to 3 minutes is sufficient so your viewer doesn't lose interest and go elsewhere. You can always test, and you should, but we will bet the farm that if your video is more than 15 minutes in length, your conversions will suffer. Obviously, it all hinges on why you're on a site, but when you're viewing a video you want it to get straight to the point. Always speak in terms of the benefits to be gained by the person viewing the video, and then make it a cliff-hanger. Always make your videos compelling and interesting to avoid losing people's interest.

Keywords and Search Engine Traffic: One of the most important kinds of traffic any video can receive is traffic from search engines. So you will need to use each video's main keyword phrase in the filename as well as title. In fact, optimising your videos for search engine rankings is much easier than what you need to do for most websites. In addition to that, you should also utilise the tags in the videos as well, by including your main keywords. Your tags are much like keywords, and potential customers will search for them either in YouTube or in the search engine field. So, ensure you aren't ignoring this one trick, because it will be responsible for lots of the free traffic your video gets.

Top Quality Content: You must put worthwhile content into your videos, if you want your audience to react positively to them. The real secret to converting viewers into website visitors is blowing them away with the quality of the videos you create. People surf and view videos online only because they're looking for content they can use. Without decent content, your videos will not become popular or circulate, regardless of the topic. It's much better to make a few great videos than a large number of substandard ones. A single high quality video will do more for your business than hundreds of substandard ones.

Formats: We do not advise straying from the mov, wmv and avi video formats, which are the three most widely used. Needless to say, different people have their preferences, and diverse software on their computers and phones. The fact is that if you make your videos, or anything else, too complicated for people, then you'll lose their interest.

Using Videos on Your Own Sites: You can get more exposure for your videos by using them appropriately in other areas of your marketing such as landing pages, for an example. You will also get good points from Google for your SEO, by having video on your sites. You'll be optimising your videos to get extra views by doing this, and at the same time increasing the popularity of your website. There are plenty of ways you can make this work, you just need to think out of the box.

Social Bookmarking: Next we come to the dozens of social bookmarking sites that you can use to your advantage. This is another part of your overall video marketing plan, and should definitely be done. Social bookmarking sites are a splendid place to begin when you're trying to gain targeted exposure for your videos. You don't need to use every single networking and social bookmarking site in existence because there are just so many of them. Just cherry pick the best ones like Reddit and Digg. Create an effective plan for getting this done, if you don't choose to outsource, and with time you will be able to do it much faster.

Thumbnails: The first thing people will see is a video thumbnail, so it stands to good reason that you want a really good one. Your thumbnail image is crucial for making folks stop and look. How successful your video becomes could hinge on the amount of interest that your thumbnail can induce. Getting that all important click and view is the first big hurdle you have to get over. But you shouldn't use a thumbnail image which is totally misleading, we've seen this done and it only annoys people as it does to us. To make money, you have to gain people's trust, and tricking them is certainly not a good way to do it.

(Tags: Video Production Lewes, Videographers Lewes, Video Marketing Lewes, Video Promotion Lewes)

Book Video Production in Lewes UK

Video production work can be carried out in Lewes and also nearby in: Offham, Falmer, Isfield, South Malling, Glyndebourne, Southease, Barcombe, Ovingdean, Laughton, Cooksbridge, Sout, Woodingdean, Stoneham, Glynde, Southerham, Wallands Park, as well as in these postcodes BN7 1EG, BN7 1PP, BN7 1BY, BN7 1QS, BN7 1JL, BN7 1PU, BN7 1PX, BN7 1EX, BN7 1PY, and BN7 1AA. Locally based Lewes videographers will likely have the dialling code 01273 and the postcode BN7. Checking this out will make sure that you are accessing locally based providers of video production. Lewes residents will be able to utilise these and numerous other comparable services. By clicking on the "Quote" banner you can get video production price quotes from nearby providers.

Video Editing Lewes

The manipulation and arranging of video clips is known as video editing. Computer-based applications are generally used for this process, and video clips recorded from videos or from real life scenarios are edited, rearranged or beautified to make usable content. There are different forms of video editing, such as video pre-recording, still photo editing, music video editing and movie making. Video editing can be used to add effects to, narrate, arrange and edit video clips.

A whole host of different techniques are included in the video editing process, such as picture editing, sound editing, transitions, motion-graphics and visual effects. To ensure smooth transition of the sound and video from one end to the other, audio-video synchronisation software is used. Transitions are also a really important aspect of video editing in Lewes. The main transitions are dissolves, fade-ins, wipes, pauses, fade-outs, fades and special effects. During a video editing session, there are a lot of transitions that can be implemented. As an illustration, if somebody wishes to take a video of his pet and make it seem as if the camera is pointing straight at the pet, a fade-in transition is used so that the appearance of the pet changes steadily without any loss of quality.

Another important aspect of transitions is that they can make a still image appear as if it is actually moving. This can be fairly easily achieved through the use of short cuts and a combination of several sound editing and visual techniques.

Corporate Video Production Lewes

Corporate Video Production Lewes

The communication needs of organisations and businesses are met through corporate video production, which creates compelling visual content. Effectively conveying their branding to stakeholders, employees or clients is the aim of showcasing a company's achievements, products, services or culture through these videos. To ensure a refined final product, professional corporate video production incorporates meticulous planning, top-notch filming, and skilful editing. Corporate video production, encompassing company profiles, promotional videos, training materials and event coverage, plays a vitally important role in enhancing brand image and fostering meaningful connections within the business world. There are various different types of corporate videos that can be produced, each with its own specific goal in mind. Some common examples include company profiles, promotional videos, event coverage and training videos. (92105 - Corporate Video Production Lewes)

Lewes Video Production Tasks

Video Production Tasks Lewes

There are a whole host of tasks that can be conducted by your local Lewes video production specialist including health video services, video production, talking head videos, video equipment hire, training video production, product videos in Lewes, company profile videos, video adverts, TV commercial production, video shoots, media production, promotional videos, video production for YouTube in Lewes, video editing, video filming, aerial filming, video production for social media, video production services, branding, business videos, event coverage, campaign video production, social media video services, the production of corporate videos in Lewes, time-lapse filming, the creation of infographics, video voice-over recording, public service video production, motion graphics, video making, and more. If there are other Lewes video production requirements that you want but can't see here, you can easily mention them on the QUOTE FORM provided. We will get back to you with specifics as soon as we are able. Listed are just a few of the duties that are conducted by people who specialise in video production. Lewes specialists will be happy to tell you about their full range of services.


Video Production Near Lewes

Also find: Falmer video production, Wallands Park video production, Southease video production, Glyndebourne video production, Isfield video production, Woodingdean video production, Glynde video production, Cooksbridge video production, Southerham video production, South Malling video production, Barcombe video production, Stoneham video production, Ovingdean video production, Offham video production, Sout video production, Laughton video production and more. The majority of these localities are covered by video production specialists. Local residents can get video production quotations by clicking here.

Video Production Services Lewes

Find Video Production in Lewes Here
Lewes Video Production Services (01273)
  • Lewes Video Production Estimates
  • Lewes Wedding Videography
  • Lewes Video Production Services
  • Lewes Media Production
  • Lewes Video Promotions
  • Lewes Drone Filming
  • Lewes Cheap Video Production
  • Lewes Business Videos
  • Lewes Videography
  • Lewes Music Videos
  • Lewes Video Marketing
  • Lewes Promotional Videos
  • Lewes Training Videos
  • Lewes Videographers

More Lewes Trades: Needless to say, when you are doing promotion and marketing projects in Lewes, East Sussex, you will probably be in need of all kinds of different specialists and as well as video production in Lewes, East Sussex, you could also need email marketing in Lewes, brand management in Lewes, graphic design specialists in Lewes, branding in Lewes, logo design in Lewes, search engine optimisation in Lewes, explainer video services in Lewes, social media marketing in Lewes, E Commerce specialists in Lewes, web development in Lewes, website design in Lewes, pay per click specialists in Lewes, website copywriting in Lewes, event videography in Lewes, digital marketing services in Lewes, video marketing in Lewes, and other different Lewes experts.

If you want local Lewes info take a look here

Videography Jobs Lewes: View video related jobs near Lewes here: Video Production Jobs Lewes

Video production in BN7 area, and dialling code 01273.

TOP - Video Production Lewes


(This video production Lewes information was reviewed and updated on 03-05-2024)